Mommy Tips to Help You Out this Valentines Day

Written by Erica C


Posted on January 25 2016



1.  Have a romantic dinner at home

     For those of you that like to cook, this might be your piece of pie. Cook a semi fancy dinner light up some candles, and dress up a little. A splash of perfume, and a little black dress can go a long way. Maybe this might be the perfect timing to discuss baby names if you haven’t already.

    1. Spice up the love life

     Chances are with the pregnancy you haven’t had the time for intimacy; Valentine's Day is your chance to change that. Buy some sexy maternity Lingerie, light up some candles and play some of those old R&B hits that never seem to get old. 

    1. Valentines Day might be a great time to take your maternity photos

     Maternity photos are such an exciting time during your pregnancy; Valentine's Day might just be the perfect time to do just that. Maternity photos tend bring couples together and share the excitement. Or even better have your lover get behind the camera and take the photos to spice things up. Let him pick a few of his favorite sexy maternity outfits. 

    1. Movie Night

     Maybe you're expecting your bundle of joy any day now and all you want to do is be in comfort and watch movies all day. Throw on some yoga pants and order take out, cuddle the night away and let your spouse know you love them.



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